The Whiff of Spring

Today it was so warm outside.
Definitely did not need my jacket.

But actually it shouldn't have come as a surprise
because the first day of spring in Japan is February 4th.

We call the day Risshun (立春).

And seeing as it's just around the corner
I guess it makes sense that it was warm today.

Actually, until the Meiji era
Risshun was considered to be start of the new year.

Which is understandable because that's when nature comes alive.

I spent early afternoon
on a rooftop patio in Harajuku.

The sun felt SO GOOD.

I always feel deprived of sunlight in the winter
because I go to work in the morning and
by the time I leave the office it's already dark outside.

It's so depressing.

Have you heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder?
I swear I get it during the winter.

But today I had a few hours under the sun
writing letters and sending emails.

And I loved every minute of this gorgeous day!!!

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