I was looking forward to this weekend because my favorite family from Kobe were in town!
I love that my friends have a chance to come to Tokyo every so often so we can catch up face to face. Letters and emails are great. But nothing beats seeing your friends in person. Especially when they have the sweetest little boy with them. Little A was still a baby the
last time I saw him but now he's walking around and even more handsome!
We stopped by the famous avenue of ginkgo trees at
Meiji Jingu Gaien (
明治神宮外苑の銀杏並木). These trees were placed here in 1923 and there are a total of 146 trees aligning the 300 meter avenue. The ginkgo trees are unbelievably tall, some even growing as tall as 28 meters. It's quite an amazing view.
It was peak season for the gorgeous yellow ginkgo leaves. There were tons of people there but thankfully V and D didn't seem to mind too much. We took a walk down one side of the avenue and came back up the street on the other side. There are ginkgo trees on both sides of the sidewalk, which seemed even brighter than just being under the blue sky. It was really beautiful and I couldn't stop taking pictures.
Little A and I bonded over a ginkgo leaf when I twirled it between my fingers. He kept on holding it out to me, which I took to mean "do it again!" He was very shy before but we actually took a little walk together at dinner time. I think we are definitely chums now :D
We spent the rest of the day just chatting away, which is what happens when you only see each other every half year. I simply adore this family and can't wait until the next time I see them! x
Here are some very yellow photos of the ginkgo trees: